Main site IRC guide continued

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Main site IRC guide continued

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:38 pm

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Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:57 pm
Location: UK
This is a continuation of the IRC guide we have on the main site here.
This section covers registering your nickname and whilst the other steps are optional too they are very easy changes to make and (both steps 1 & 2) will save you time in the long run!. Read on if you're interested:

Advanced (Optional)
1. To register your nickname type in the following command whilst you are logged on with the nickname you would like to claim: "/msg nickserv register PASSWORD EMAIL"
Where password is the password you want to use to identify yourself and email is the address you want to register your nickname to. From this point on the only person who will be able to use that nickname is you. You can use "/nick NICKNAME" to change to your registered nick if for whatever reason you are signed in with a different name. Where "NICKNAME" is your nickname, obviously.
You will then need to type "/msg nickserv identify PASSWORD" to authenticate yourself each time you log on with your registered nick.

2. The above process can be made much easier as well from a very simple and quick change. If you would like mIRC to automatically sign you in with your registered nick then all you need to do is add the above commands to the "Perform" area where we added #SSX under MGT earlier. As a reminder that is Tools > Options > Connect > Options > Perform and your perform window should then look like this:
*Click to enlarge*
Now when your client connects on startup the perform commands have told it to change to your main registered nick (/nick NICKNAME), authenticate (/msg nickserv identify PASSWORD) and then join the main SSX IRC channel (/join #ssx). All without you having to type any of that in yourself. We like that, right?

Further optional
3. Know that alternative nick of yours? Rather than registering that too (and you can't register more than one name to the same address) you can "group" that to the main nick you registered before. Doing this links your alternate nick with your main one and receives all of the benefits that receives along with it. Say that your main nick is on our auto-op list (which automatically sets you as +o when you enter the room, giving you lots of channel privilages), by grouping your alternate nick to your main nick they will both share the same rights. Meaning you would get auto-opped on your alternate nick too, not just your main. To do this is simple and only takes a second. Make sure that you are currently using your alternate nick (/nick ALTERNATE_NICK) and simply type: "/msg nickserv group MAIN_NICK PASSWORD". Where "MAIN_NICK" is the main nickname you previously registered and password is the password you use to authenticate yourself with it. Job done!. Your alternate nick is now linked to your main. Simple eh?
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

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